
It’s been almost fifty years since C introduced printf() and the basic formatted printing of positional parameters. Isn’t it time for an upgrade? You betcha!

say evolves Python’s print statement/function, format function/method, and % string interpolation operator with simpler, higher-level facilities. For example, it provides direct template formatting, a feature Python finally provided in Python 3.6. In addition:

  • DRY, Pythonic, inline string templates that piggyback Python’s well-proven format() method, syntax, and underlying engine.
  • A single output mechanism that works the same way across Python 2 or Python 3.
  • A companion fmt() object for string formatting.
  • Higher-order line formatting such as line numbering, indentation, and line-wrapping built in. You can get substantially better output formatting with almost no additional code.
  • Convenient methods for common formatting items such as titles, horizontal separators, and vertical whitespace.
  • Easy styled output, including ANSI colors and user-defined styles and text transforms.
  • Easy output to one or more files, without additional code or complexity.
  • Super-duper template/text aggregator objects for easily building, reading, and writing multi-line texts.